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第66章 知识(2/2)

好书推荐: 重生校园:学霸女神,宠上瘾 dota荣耀 英雄学院之最强个性 奇异强化系统 快穿之女主狂霸酷炫拽 异界烽火录 忍界求生日记 今天开始做项羽 戡乱诀 武道进化






&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe two horizontal distances were found out by means of the pole, whose length above the sand was exactly ten feet.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe first distance was fifteen feet between the stick and the place where the pole was thrust into the sand.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe second distance between the stick and the bottom of the cliff was five hundred feet. From which it was proved that the granite cliff measured 333 feet in height.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspCyrus Harding then took the instrument which he had made the evening before, the space between its two legs giving the angular distance between the star Alpha and the horizon. He measured, very exactly, the opening of this angle on a circumference which he divided into 360 equal parts. Now, this angle by adding to it the twenty-seven degrees which separated Alpha from the antarctic pole, and by reducing to the level of the sea the height of the cliff on which the observation had been made, was found to be fifty- three degrees. These fifty-three degrees being subtracted from ny degrees--the distance from the pole to the equator--there remained thirty- seven degrees. Cyrus Harding concluded, therefore, that Lincoln Island was situated on the thirty-seventh degree of the southern latitude, or taking into consideration through the imperfection of the performance, an error of five degrees, that it must be situated between the thirty-fifth and the fortieth parallel.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIn fact, the essively diminished, it began to lengthen. By inclining his stick to the side opposite to the sun, Cyrus Harding made the shadow longer, and consequently its modifications would be more easily ascertained. In fact, the longer the needle of a dial is, the more easily can the movement of its point be followed. The shadow of the stick was nothing but the needle of a dial.


&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspMetals are not generally found in the ground in a pure state. For the most part they arebined with oxygen or sulphur. Such was the case with the two specimens which Cyrus Harding had brought back, one of maic iron, not carbonated, the other a pyrite, also called sulphuret of iron. It was, therefore the first, the oxide of iron, which they must reduce with coal, that is to say, get rid of the oxygen, to obtain it in a pure state. This reduction is made by subjecting the ore with coal to a high temperature, either by the rapid and easy Catalan method, which has the advantage of transforming the ore into iron in a single operation, or by the blast furnace, which first smelts the ore, then changes it into iron, by carrying away the three to four per cent. of coal, which isbined with it.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe coal, as well as the ore, was collected without trouble on the surface of the ground. They first broke the ore into little pieces, and cleansed theessive layers, as the charcoal-burner does with the wood which he wishes to carbonize. In this way, under the influence of the air projected by the blowing-machine, the coal would be transformed into carbonic acid, then into oxide of carbon, its use being to reduce the oxide of iron, that is to say, to rid it of the oxygen.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThus the engineer proceeded. The bellows of sealskin, furnished at its extremity with a nozzle of clay, which had been previously fabricated in the pottery kiln, was established near the heap of ore. Using the mechanism which consisted of a frame, cords of fiber and counterpoise, he threw into the mass an abundance of air, which by raising the temperature also concurred with the chemical transformation to produce in time pure iron.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspIt was the last which Cyrus Harding intended to forge, as he possessed iron in a pure state. He succeeded by heating the metal with powdered coal in a crucible which had previously been manufactured from clay suitable for the purpose.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspHe then worked this steel, which is malleable both when hot or cold, with the hammer. Neb and Pencroft, cleverly directed, made hatchets, which, heated red-hot, and plunged suddenly into cold water, acquired an excellent temper.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe bridge was the most urgent work. Trees were selected, cut down, stripped of their branches, and cut into beams, joists, and planks. The end of the bridge which rested on the right bank of the Mercy was to be firm, but the other end on the left bank was to be movable, so that it might be raised by means of a counterpoise, as some canal bridges are managed.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThis was certainly a considerable work, and though it was skillfully conducted, it took some time, for the Mercy at this place was eighty feet wide. It was therefore necessary to fix piles in the bed of the river so as to sustain the floor of the bridge and establish a pile-driver to act on the tops of these piles, which would thus form two arches and allow the bridge to support heavy loads.



&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspThe tool, the eeded in making a tube soon ready for use.

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspOn the 28th of March the tube was heated. A hundred parts of sand, thirty-five of chalk, forty of sulphate of soda, mixed with two or three parts of powdered coal,posed the substance, which was placed in crucibles. When the high temperature of the oven had reduced it to a liquid, or rather a pasty state, Cyrus Harding collected with the tube a quantity of the paste: he turned it about on a metal plate, previously arranged, so as to give it a form suitable for blowing, then he passed the tube to Herbert, telling him to blow at the other extremity.

新书推荐: 一人之下:千年布局被冯宝宝曝光 九号半 校花别沾边,重生的我只想搞钱 怪异幻想入侵中 重回1980去享福 神探陈益 我一个网约车司机有点钱怎么了 娱乐圈第一深情?我可是海王 神豪:给兄弟花钱就返利 我一个演员,会亿点技能很合理吧